Tuesday, October 4, 2011

jayson Musson and ft. worth trip

Was glad to have the company of Stacie, Val, Spencer, Toni to view the Diebenkorn, TCU gallery, and see Jayson Musson talk about his work. please check him out as he addresses the dilemma of dealing with grad school for an artist that does not fit the mold which is most of us. He is also riotously funny and his work and humor is strikingly poignant and smart and it is about ART ! Check out his 'Art Thoughtz' youtube http://www.youtube.com/user/HennesyYoungman#

Killing Creativity in education

Check out all the sites on this blog but i would like you to listen and watch this one on Is Education Killing Creativity... by Ken Robinson at TED. i missed this last time around but here is my comment see what you think. it was posted last year by Niloo, but quite relevant!
brilliant!!! it also proposes a thought on why UTD administration might not value its Visual and Performing arts as much as it should and why we can not find a scholarship for the these gifts in these depts. unless they have SAT scores to match??? watch and find out. we can discuss!